Good Deed Entertainment presents
A Grey Rabbit Films Production
Ainsley is a misanthrope who hates people but when she suddenly finds herself in isolation with no one to talk to, she realizes how much she actually misses connection. Enter Ulysses, a dead mouse in a jar. With a little bit of loneliness, a pinch of imagination, and a mouse-sized tuxedo, Ulysses becomes her training wheels in this newly discovered world of friendship.
This delightfully quirky and charmingly bleak feature length comedy was filmed during the height of the pandemic when a group of friends quarantined together in Lake Arrowhead, CA to create this film.
Available Now!
Available Now!
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack
Music by James Wakefield w/ original songs by BEEBE
directed & filmed by
dominic lópez
produced by
Tomm jacobsen
Kelsey Gunn
Michael Rousselet
Nicholas Anthony Reid
dominic lópez
Written by
Dominic López & Kelsey Gunn
Produced by
Tomm Jacobsen, Kelsey Gunn, Michael Rousselet, Nicholas Anthony Reid & Dominic López
James Wakefield w/ original songs by BEEBE